
Professional Training Plus

Spedimar SaGL is the proud holder of the qualification of training company For us it represents the timing and commitment necessary to implement quality professional training both in terms of content and system level. Our investment in the future allows young people with specific and concrete soft and hard skills to enter the world of work.
People in training acquire much of their specialist skills through a close interaction between theory and practice, school and work. This allows you to develop unique methodologies, skills and social attitudes.

Apprentices can learn how to plan and organise transport solutions so that goods from all over the world arrive from A to B safely, punctually and economically, know the technical and economic conditions of the market (such as Incoterms), find the most efficient transport solutions and effective and finally become familiar with customs laws, insurance and foreign trade regulations.

Our profession is demanding and varied, we have daily contact with an international network of customers and suppliers. By sending your application here, you will be able to interact with a dynamic and professional team, refining your autonomy, memory and team spirit.

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